Thursday 6 August 2015

There's a reason.

I have been racing around for a while now, as befits a pensioner and this blog has suffered as a result. The posts have been shorter and less wordage has been produced.

There were several reasons for that, first I've been trying to set Well Bread! up as more of a going concern, moving it to another level, from a hobby to a source of income. I'm nearly there now, with a regular set of orders and days set aside to complete them.

Today for instance I baked 20 Choc'n'Orange Cookies and 20 Panini for Millie and Me,

and after delivering them, I start on tomorrow's Sourdoughs, White, Spelt and Wholemeal.

So that's the first excuse out of the way, secondly We've been up to Nottingham to see Amy, Harry and Elsa, as a bonus Naomi (daughter 2) and her husband Eamon were there as well and we had a good weekend celebrating my birthday and retirement from Pilotage.

Thirdly, I've been sorting out and tidying up my Novel, the good news is that I have now signed a publishing contract! and hopefully the book will be out before Christmas. This of course opens up a whole new field of things to keep me busy, promotion and advertising etc, I need to get a professional photo for publicity purposes, one that makes me look vaguely human and not like some grinning maniac, that may take a little effort.

We've also been neglecting the garden, Yvonne hasn't been well recently and although she put in a sterling effort last week, it's getting away from us in places. My so called "Dwarf" Pear tree is now about 3 metres high, but has a lot of fruit on it so that's something.

and the Black Tomatoes are nearly ready.

I also found a good picture of Georgina's home in Australia, check it out at

She loves it there. I quite like the look of it myself.

I'm becoming a big fan of Sweet Potato after a lifetime of lukewarm indifference. For tonight, I've cut them into wedges, and boiled them for 2 minutes.

Then I splashed with Balsamic and oil, I'll bake them later.

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