There has just been so much going on; I keep meaning to post some words and pictures but never actually get around to it.
So what have I been up to that was so important? When you come to think about it, the answer is not a great deal. Even so, the days and weeks seem to pass by so quickly.
It's true I have had a novel to edit, my sixth to be published and I have also finished numbers seven and eight, ready for editing later in the year when the weather is bad and you have to stay in.
I've been walking a lot and have the front room to decorate next week, after a visit to the grandchildren.
The route I take over the cliffs is now inhabited by a small herd of cows,
which makes it feel very rural.
I also attended a festival in Bath, selling my novels and holding a workshop on "World Building," which was well received.
The potatoes and eggs were, however, cooked in a frying pan!
There are also cakes to sample,
and yet more sunrises to be enraptured by.
Beetroot rolls to make,
I will endeavour not to leave it so long next time.