Saturday, 6 August 2011

The Worst Day

There will be a bit of a change this post, I was going to tell you all about meeting my daughter, back from Australia, and about all the culinary things I had been up to, the Mint Sauce, Blackberry Wine etc etc, but I’m afraid that its all on hold.

I’m sure you remember the recent post about my cat Picasso, well we left him in kennels with the dogs whilst we went up to get George, and when we got back they said that, although he was his usual self, he had had some “tummy problems”, which is a squeamish way of saying…. Well you get the idea. Anyway we took him to the vet and he found A LUMP, sometimes I hate being a “responsible adult” cos you have to make decisions. There was no way at his age that he could stand the surgery, and he would have been in pain for a long recovery anyhow. So I did what I thought was the best for him, even though I regretted it as soon as it was said.

So now the house is empty, I went downstairs this morning and he wasn’t waiting for his breakfast, its awful. George said at the airport how she was looking forward to seeing him, she was only 6 when we got him and now she’s 21.

He was the runt of the litter, and part of our lives for 16 years; I can’t believe he’s not here anymore. There’s a big cat shaped hole in our lives. I do believe that I’ll see him again; he will be waiting for me somewhere.

I’m going to leave you with a few pics of him. R.I.P. Picasso 1995-2011.


  1. I'm sure you've had some lovely years with him. It's so sad when a pet has to leave.
    Love from Mum

  2. I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. Your kitty was beautiful and looks like he led a truly happy life.

  3. Oh that's so sad..what a beauty he was.

    In August last year we had to euthanize our 12yr cocker spaniel so I can imagine how you feel,

    Just making your chicken dish for dinner ;)

    Cheers, coffeee/Sue

  4. only just caught up with this :(, he is waiting at Rainbow Bridge for you
    so sorry :(
