Monday, 10 October 2016

Life goes on

Sorry for the delay in posting, I heard some tragic news from where I used to work, one of my ex-colleagues was involved in a fatal accident last week and it made me stop and think for a while. 
Without going into too much detail, it was never a safe job but I think we all accepted the risks. It's at times like this when you're reminded.
In a way, it almost seems trivial to be blogging, we went over the moor to Tavistock last week, there are few fences on Dartmoor, which means that you can be stopped by a road full of livestock, like this lot,

Once we got there we had a good day, including a Donkey shaped biscuit with our afternoon tea!

And in writing news, I'm preparing for the November writing challenge that is NaNoWriMo where the idea is to write the first draft of your novel in a month. I've had both success and failure at this.
This year I thought that I had it all worked out, then one day last week I took a lunchtime walk along your favourite coastal path and had an idea. When I left the house, I thought that I had a simple choice of two prospective novels for this year's NaNoWriMo and I was busily getting them sorted in my head, which one I would do and what I wanted to achieve. And then it happened.
To say I ended Jungle Green (currently in edit), on a cliff would be technically inaccurate but you get the sentiment, what was going to happen next? How would everyone get out of the situation I had put them in?
It was screaming out for a sequel. I ended it the way that I did to provide a sort of symmetry in the story (you'll understand when you read it, next year hopefully), and yesterday's walk provided me with a way out, and a great start for the next phase of the Balcom saga that started in Ribbonworld.
By the time I got back home, I had a third contender. And not just in a vague sort of way, no this was the first 100 pages of an idea.
Now my mind is awash with plot development and I think that I might have to change my plans for November.
If only it had been raining life would have been so much simpler!


  1. Oh I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. Sometimes, it is just hard to blog or find the words. Yet, NanoWriMo is around the corner.. I too will be joining!

  2. Thanks for the comment, the funeral is on the 24th, a chance to meet up with old colleagues under the wrong circumstances. I'm still deciding what to do for NaNo, good luck with yours.
