Saturday 3 January 2015

Whey to Go!

I got one of these and its amazing, it turned a really cheap plain yogurt into a soft cheese which went really well on bread for lunch, with a few tomatoes.

Of course it left a bit of Whey and as I don't like to waste much I wondered if I could use it in Bread making. A quick internet search said that I could but that I shouldn't use salt in the recipe. I measured it out and it was just over half of the liquid that I needed, so I used half the salt I would normally.

Combined liquid 350ml (190 Whey and 160 water)
Flour, 400g Wholemeal and 100g White,
Yeast 10g (Instant)
Salt 5g.

I mixed for 6 minutes in the Kenwood, then proved it for 90 minutes in my oven.

Knocked back and shaped, I let it rise for 40 minutes,

then lightly slashed and baked with steam for 40 minutes at 220 degrees.

After cooling I cut a slice and the crumb was perfect for a sandwich loaf, I do like big holes in some breads but not in a sandwich, all the filling falls out!

The taste was a bit different too, sweeter and milky. The steam gave it a good crunchy crust.

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